Modular Operation Theater

The MODULAR OT at Prakash Eye Hospital & Laser Center  boasts of a fully Modular Operation Theater where patients can experience state-of-the-art Operation Theater conditions. The purpose of a Modular OT is to reduce the incidence of infection to the bare minimum possible. An AHU (air handling unit) with 3-stage filtration including a HEPA filter, completely air Conditioned , gas scavenging systems (for laminar flow), smooth, non porous, anti-static wall, ceiling and anti static Seamless Vinyl Flooring with antibacterial Property, positive pressure maintenance and tight control over temperature and humidity- these are the features of our fully Modular Operation Theater. A Modular OT as well as strict adherence to stringent norms of sterilization in the new OT complex will ensure the highest level of safety from infection for our patients

Facilities Available

Anti Statisc Seamless Vinyl Flooring with anti bacterial Propoerty

Laminar Air Flow Meter

Online Medicine

Online Medicine

Online Medicine

Online Medicine

Online Medicine

Zero Vaccum OT Door