Lasik & Refractive Services

LASIK is a surgical procedure for correcting nearsightedness(myopia), farsightedness(hyperopia) and cylindrical(astigmatic) refractive errors. LASIK stands for Laser-Assisted Situ Keratomileusis.

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Blade Free Lasik

In any LASIK procedure the first step is to create a corneal flap. In standard LASIK the surgeon uses a hand-held oscillating blade called microkeratome to cut the corneal flap. The flap is then folded and the Excimer laser treats the cornea to correct the refractive error.

Refractive Services

Refraction is a test that measures the eyes’ need for corrective lenses (refractive error). It is usually done after a visual acuity test.Refraction is done as a routine part of an eye examination for people who already wear glasses or contact lenses, but it will also be done if the results of the other visual acuity tests show that your eyesight is below normal and can be corrected by glasses.

​Facilities available at our hospital for examination and treatment

  • Precise corneal flap results in improved visual outcome.
  • Safer than standard LASIK.
  • Treats patients with high refractive errors and thin corneas too

With access to

24 Hour



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